Duck, Duck, Goose—Rescue!

“I believe I can fly!”

An abandoned gosling was found by a Global Resources employee on the side of a busy road while driving to work.  After a quick check to see that its family was not in the area, she picked up the bird and brought it to Jenifer, our resident wildlife rescue expert.  Jenifer has rescued numerous abandoned and injured animals due to having grown up in a household where her mother was a certified wildlife rehabilitator.

“Nobody put Baby in a corner.”

The baby goose, after a bit of energetic exploring of Jenifer’s office, was soon settled down into an empty copier paper box to act a temporary animal carrier.  Jenifer punched holes in the lid to provide ventilation.  A baby blanket was added to keep the gosling warm while it traveled to its new home at a wildlife rehabilitation center.

The Flint Creek Wildlife Rehabilitation in Barrington, Illinois agreed to take the rescued gosling. The gosling will be mothered by a mother goose that had been attacked and injured, losing all of her babies.  Jenifer discovered that our baby goose would now have six brothers and sisters—other orphans brought to the facility.

Our gosling was most likely only two to three days old in the opinion of the Wildlife Director.  If you’d like to help save wildlife like this baby gosling, visit, volunteers and donations are always welcome!