"Employees" Posts
Let’s Keep Your Remote Team Intact
Working with a remote team is not as easy as it seems. There are times when your colleagues will be out of the office or even in a different time zone. Regardless of their location, however, keeping up with colleagues doesn’t have to be overly difficult. It just takes a little time and patience.
In assembling your remote team, there are some great software programs and apps to help make the process that much easier. Let’s take a look at the latest tech to keep your remote team in touch and up-to-date.
There is no doubt that it takes …
A Change In Wage Culture
What does a business owner do when his customer service ratings plummet, when his employees’ morale drops, and when the company productivity declines? Some companies take an extremely radical course and give their employees a raise. Guess what; their strategy worked! It was recently reported that Walmart (with 1.3 million people employed in the United States) did just that.
For the first time in its long history, Walmart began experiencing a decline in sales in 2014. They had also received a damning negative stock recommendation from Wall Street analysts, who projected a steady decline in corporate profits. Walmart, under great …
Incivility And The Message
During a recent political rally, a candidate for the nomination of the President of the United States encountered trouble with a microphone while addressing a large partisan audience.
A Skill For Success
A philosopher long ago, proffered, “We wander through life not really knowing our neighbors, and then, by something they do by some word they uttered, as if through a bolt of lightning, their inner soul is momentarily laid open and we see who they really are.”
This trip we take every day, through our personal, working and social lives, entails interfacing with people, many who we do not know well, and some not at all. Life, both personal and business, is all about human interdependency and connectivity. As a result, a person’s ability to perceive, understand and respect the …
What Is A Benefit Or ‘B’ Corporation?

Previously, when a new business was formed, there were only two legal entity structures to pursue, either your organization was for profit or it was a nonprofit. That is no longer the case with the development of the Benefit or ‘B’ Corporation. In the simplest terms, a Benefit Corporation exists in the nebulous middle. This allows a corporation to be for profit as well as for the benefit of some worthy social or environmental commitment.
Per ‘The For-Benefit Enterprise’ article by Heerad Sabeti, Harvard Business Review (November 2011):
In the past several decades a steadily growing number …
6 Ways For Your Business To Beat The Flu

Prevention is the best strategy when it comes to the flu!
Flu season runs from October to May. While the news may be filled with Ebola stories, the reality of the situation is that seasonal flu is far more likely to disrupt your business. Per the www.Flu.gov website, “each flu season, nearly 11 million workdays are lost due to the flu. That equals approximately $7 billion per year in sick days and lost productivity.” Unlike Ebola, there are preventive measures that you can take as a business owner to protect your employees, your company, and your community. Know that healthy …
Women In The Workplace: One Small Step For Man, One Giant Leap For Mankind

Recent legislature, like ‘The Women’s Small Business Ownership Act of 2014,’ which addresses critical issues facing women entrepreneurs, highlights the fact that women have yet to acquire full equality with men in the professional world. While legislature addressing these problems will help the situation in many ways, it is only one step. In order to reach workplace equality for women, business owners, managers and executives must take the next steps themselves.
It’s Not Easy
The lack of women in managerial, or ownership positions, is due to the residual effects from societal norms of the past. Historically, women were barred …
Highlights: Women Employed’s The Working Lunch

Women Employed (WE) is a Chicago advocacy organization, which for more than 40 years has been dedicated to creating fairer workplaces and expanding economic opportunities for women. We were excited to fill a table at their annual ‘The Working Lunch’ on May 21st. It was, as always, an extremely well attended, efficiently run and organized event with awesome networking and thought provoking speakers.
A Bill to Prevent Discrimination of Pregnant Workers
After a delicious luncheon, we had a line-up of three great speakers. First, Anne Ladky, Executive Director of WE, announced the exciting news that a bill to offer protection …
Your Top Resource – Your Employees!
A business owner must identify and solve issues regarding the competition for customers and clients on a daily basis. As a business owner, are you overlooking the competition for one of your top resources—your own employees?
Today’s business owners and managers have a mindset that is much different from those of previous generations. Simply put, they expect more from their employers—especially when it comes to compensation and work culture. Employers who want to find and keep qualified, motivated, top-performing employees need to re-evaluate their compensation packages.
Salary is obviously important, but it is far from the end of the analysis. …
Boots Are Made For Walking…Your Employees Shouldn’t Be
How to lower turnover to increase your profits.
In order to increase your profits, you must know the “costs” of turnover. Unfortunately, I can almost guarantee that your QuickBooks, Peachtree or any other accounting system does not readily produce this information. The cost of turnover is substantially higher than your recruiting costs. In addition to the recruiting and interviewing costs, you have the training time, lost productivity associated with a new employee, etc. Depending upon the type of position being replaced, it is estimated that turnover will cost you 65 percent to several hundred percent of the beginning annual compensation. …