Global Resources Reviews: Financials, Marketing & E-Commerce Are Back On Track
The client, a supplier of parts and accessories for fireplaces/stoves for more than 35 years, engaged Global Resources to “institute better financial planning and reporting” as well as assist with marketing of two e-commerce websites. “After several years of vigorous growth, our primary website was showing signs of stagnating and our new discount site had failed to launch.”
The Global Resources consultant first tackled financial issues, assisting in the creation of a new chart of accounts to be integrated into the client’s existing software package (in order to produce detailed financial reports to benchmark corporate performance). “He has streamlined many of the forms and processes that we use. He has also helped us develop and begin to better utilize our management team. They have instituted management meetings and a peer reporting system.”
Additionally, the GR consultant “worked with our managers to design and complete a tri-fold advertising brochure for our retail store.” The brochure was quickly turned around and sent to the printers, ready to be used the following weekend.
Attention then shifted to the two websites. “We worked with our staff and service provider to devise a plan for both. For the discount site, it was decided that we would do a small cosmetic update and begin monthly pay-per-click advertising. After six months, we will review this site.” For the parts site, they determined to focus on improving organic search results via refreshing the entire platform, “keeping us in the 1st or 2nd position in organic search.”
Another tactic pursed was to take advantage of direct mail with “two postcard mailing pieces to introduce the parts site to several categories of potential dealer accounts. One is meant to promote the gas portion of the site to LP gas companies, HVAC contractors and plumbers.” These non-traditional dealers were targeted as their access to fireplace/stove industry parts is very limited.
“The second postcard is aimed at more traditional fireplace shops, chimney sweeps, and hardware stores. Over 40,000 postcards will be sent out. We have selected a vendor and begun the initial design work on the cards.” Their consultant provided a mailing list for each dealer category.
“Global Resources should be proud to have such an effective facilitator on their staff. I would high recommend our consultant to any organization that wants to push through to the next level. We look forward to having him return in the late spring to observe our progress, offer suggestions, and help guide us to our next level.” James, President.