Global Resources Reviews: Ready For Breakthrough Improvement!
The clients, co-founders of a retail and tradeshow fixture design firm, needing to facilitate real change in their business, recognized that “although, we are the owners and we possess a great many skills, expertise, and abilities in a variety of fields, we also have limitations.” Change management training to achieve their organizational objectives was required. They, therefore, sought to “partner with someone outside the company who possesses the knowledge and experience to coach us and mentor our staff through the change process. In this case, it was Global Resources, LLC.”
Their GR consultant taught them the importance of involving their employees into making their organization more agile, how it would take a team effort “for the company to become all it can possibly be.
After we have seen the transformation unfolding, we realized another important fact that had escaped our attention in the 20 years that we have owned our firm. We realized that we had stymied the creativity, untapped, in each of our employees.
We now know that the process is owned by our employees and that their output is based upon that pride of ownership. They are our partners in our mission of delivering a quality product to our customer.”
“Our consultant helped us realize that we can’t do it all, he has helped us take the first steps towards a breakthrough improvement. From here, it will be a matter of exercising good leadership. Thanks, again, to Global Resources.” Robert & Tony, Partners