"GR Reviews" Posts
GR Reviews: Now Able To Focus On What Is Important!

The client was a family business involved in the manufacture of a specialty food product. Global Resources was brought in to improve operations via the professional development of the GM and his management team.
“We are a family company with many members throughout the company. This makes change very difficult and stressful for some. The Global Resources consultant was able to share his knowledge and understanding of how change happens and ‘here is how it has been resolved’ based on other situations that he had been involved in.
During our weekly meetings, we developed plans and schedules to …
Global Resources Reviews: Ready For Breakthrough Improvement!

The clients, co-founders of a retail and tradeshow fixture design firm, needing to facilitate real change in their business, recognized that “although, we are the owners and we possess a great many skills, expertise, and abilities in a variety of fields, we also have limitations.” Change management training to achieve their organizational objectives was required. They, therefore, sought to “partner with someone outside the company who possesses the knowledge and experience to coach us and mentor our staff through the change process. In this case, it was Global Resources, LLC.”
Their GR consultant taught them the importance of …
Looking Forward To Running A Profitable Business!

This Global Resources client, the owner of roofing and siding company for over 20 years, was seeking guidance in determining whether the business was operating at a loss or making a profit. “My background was in roof installations and what little I know about running a business came from the school of hard knocks. I have survived, but I was always behind on my bills, or a job short of breaking even. I never knew if I truly was making or losing money.”
The Global Resources consultant worked on refining and streamlining operations and finances. He took the …
Global Resources Reviews: Moving Forward With Confidence

This client, a sanitation product/service provider for food and beverage plants, engaged Global Resources for assistance in handling the issues that arise from managing rapid corporate growth.
“Our Global Resources consultant has given us fantastic tools to help our business.
We now have a budget to help with all the new growth that we are now experiencing, which includes moving into a new building and opening a satellite location in another state!
We can move forward with confidence that both of these projects will go smoothly.”
Additionally, the consultant provided a full management dashboard to make operation of …
Global Resources Reviews: Help To Achieve My Goals

Global Resources was brought in by the owner of a restaurant and specialty food market, who had been in business for over fifteen years, looking for assistance in reaching the next level of growth.
Having a bilingual Global Resources consultant was important for the success of this enhancement project. As the client explained, “that made things easier for everyone, as some of my employees don’t speak English and the consultant was able to talk to them, ask questions, and also explain to them what we were working on and all the benefits that this will bring to our …
Global Resources Reviews: A Fast Paced Intro To Business

An independent wholesale petroleum distributor, in business for 30 years, needed Global Resources to assist in setting up and implementing an exit strategy and management transition plan, allowing the owner, Jim, to retire and his son, Jeff, to successfully take over daily operations.
“Jeff has experienced a fast-paced introduction to business terminology and business concepts. He has had many conversations with our Global Resources consultant on important business issues. Probably, of greatest value were the discussions concerning the complex issue of pricing, appropriately.
With his help, we have determined several helpful items already included in our present …
Global Resources Reviews: Being Proactive Rather Than Reactive

The client was the third generation owner of a construction business, founded in 1950, providing custom concrete work to residential and commercial clients.
“I decided to use Global Resources in order to improve profitability, primarily, through improved internal communications and defined accountability for each key position. We also wanted to be better able to reward those employees making the greatest contributions relative to individual performance and budget targets. Although, the business has been profitable, we were continuing to operate by reacting, often unprofessionally, to current challenges.
We also knew that we needed to significantly improve the level of internal …
Global Resources Reviews: Prepared For Success

A client in the transportation services industry for 25 years, specializing in truck, cargo van and trailer rental for commercial and residential customers, engaged Global Resources “to assist our leadership in being able to better understand how we might optimize our potential as a relatively small business facing significant growth opportunities.”
Prior to the consultant arriving, an assessment was provided by Global Resources analysts. “The intriguing part for me was the fact that I had the chance to inquire and have a dialogue in order to identify the areas where the greatest benefit of the consultation would be …
Global Resources Reviews: Don’t Settle For Mediocrity

Client responsible for running a well established franchise (over 70 years) specializing in Oriental rug, carpet, tile & grout and upholstery cleaning, sought Global Resources’ assistance in developing processes to assist him in managing the growth and eventual expansion of the business.
“The GR consultant has helped our company by offering solutions for organizational structure, qualifying individuals for positions in our company, producing customized tools that reveal clarity for decision making, which helps management make sound decisions when it comes time to grow and expand the company. He also helped set up tangible goals for the company to …
Global Resources Reviews: A Plan + Tools To Be Successful

A client in landscaping/construction, specializing in pools, ponds and water features, was made aware, by the Global Resources’ analyst’s numbers and graphs, of “just how badly the company was leaking revenue.” That was when he decided to hire GR, “I knew that something was wrong, but I couldn’t quite put my finger on what would be the solution.”
The start of the engagement focused on “further analysis of cash flows and efficiencies for us and began to show the information and principles that would take us forward.”
Then, “working closely with our consultant, I was given the financial …